Country ID

Kenya has a long history of welcoming forcibly displaced people from its neighbouring countries. The country is currently formally hosting over 650.000 refugees – this number still increasing every day due to drought and conflict in neighbouring counties. Most refugees are in refugee camps situated in the two counties Garissa and Turkana. This influx of people and demand for services can pose numerous challenges to the host (county) governments.

On the 14th of November, VNG International hosted a Validation Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, for its new programme: Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance in Kenya (SDLG Kenya in short). The programme will focus on migration-related issues in the counties of Turkana and Garissa, the role local governments can play in service delivery for refugees and host communities in the area and the newly acclaimed municipalities and refugee camps Dadaab and Kakuma.

The wider objective of the project is: <br />
-improved responsiveness to host and displaced communities' needs in adaptable service solutions. <br />
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The specific objectives are:<br />
- Institutional: Strengthened intergovernmental relationship and stakeholder engagement related to migration SDG 16/17. <br />
- Organisational: Enhanced local integrated service delivery by CGs in Turkana and Garissa SDG 1/5/10/11/17. <br />
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The expected results of the project are:<br />

The Kenya Devolution Programme (KDP) aims to bring forward solutions to challenges facing devolution with the overall objective to improve development results at county level, by a) a more effective, open and accountable county governments, and b) improved service delivery and poverty reduction. To achieve these outcomes, activities will be undertaken to contribute to five output areas: <br />
i) Inter-Governmental Relations that support devolution; <br />
ii) Effective county planning, public finance management and staffing; <br />