Country Egypt
Region Africa
Duration Start 1 October, 2021 till 31 March, 2024
Field of expertise Improving Access to Basic Services
Policy field(s) Water Management
Water Management
Public policy and planning
Institutional development
Funding Royal Netherlands Embassy in Egypt
Project code 11446
Improving Sustainability of the WASH Sector in Upper Egypt, a 30-month project, is based on the needs of the Egyptian Ministry of Local Development, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, and the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater Management, through their positions as stakeholders in WASH governance in Egypt and their previous investments in the WASH sector and various levels. Through the lessons learned in their programmes and in line with national priorities for WASH and global priorities through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this project will focus on four Governorates in Upper Egypt to improve the sustainability of WASH investments and services, by improving citizen-participation and stakeholder cooperation to achieve improved transparency and accountability of WASH governance and services.

The project interventions will focus on four Outcomes:
1. Citizen accountability at governorate-level produces more locally responsive and needs-based WASH services.
2. Citizens can express WASH-related complaints and needs, and have these responded to, through a regulated and coherent system.
3. WASH services and capacities are rendered more sustainable through increasing stakeholder coordination and robust local-level planning.
4. Cross-stakeholder and peer-to-peer learning increases the promotion and uptake of good practices,allowing new and improved practices to be further rolled out in other Governorates.