Sep 24, 2021 - Costa Rica

The Costa Rican municipalities are working on a metropolitan approach in the area of influence of the train network. This is supported with an EU funded project for partnerships for sustainable cities (mUEve), where VNG International is a partner, together with the Spanish municipality of Fomento de San Sebastian and National Association of Local Government in Costa Rica. 

We are tendering and looking for urban planners for the elaboration of the intermunicipal urban development plan for public transport. You are kindly invited to participate in the Preliminary Hearing. The Session will be held, in Spanish, on Tuesday, September 28th at 5:00 PM CET, (09:00 AM, Costa Rican time) at Google Meet. Click here to join the session. 

And click here to find all the information about the Hearing, the Terms of Reference and the Respective Poster: 

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