Country ID

Licitación para la Contratación de los Servicios de Consultoría Técnica para la elaboración de planes Proyecto MUEVE, en el marco del proyecto mUEve cofinanciado por la Unión Europea contemplado en la convocatoria Europeaid/161146/DH/ACT/Multi.

Fifteen municipalities in the metropolitan area of San José work on the integral development of the Electric Train which is part of the Great Metropolitan Area in Costa Rica. This is supported by an EU funded project for partnerships for sustainable cities (mUEve), where VNG International is a partner, together with the Spanish municipality of Fomento de San Sebastian and National Association of Local Government in Costa Rica.

The Costa Rican municipalities are working on a metropolitan approach in the area of influence of the train network. This is supported with an EU funded project for partnerships for sustainable cities (mUEve), where VNG International is a partner, together with the Spanish municipality of Fomento de San Sebastian and National Association of Local Government in Costa Rica. 

The wider objective of the project is to promote the integral urban development, in line with the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development (SDG's 11, 9, 17, 13, 15, 7, 8 and 5), in the fifteen municipalities of the influence area of the Electric Train which is part of the Great Metropolitan Area in Costa Rica.