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“Race tegen de klok voor winterhulp in aardbevingsgebied Marokko”. Zo kopte het Rode Kruis afgelopen maand, want winter vormt momenteel de grootste dreiging voor de bewoners van het getroffen gebied. Ton Rombouts - voorzitter van het VNG Fonds – overhandigde op maandag 13 november daarom samen met Pieter Jeroense de directeur van VNG International, een cheque van maar liefst €760.000 aan het Rode Kruis.

The project is based on the following objectives:<br />
1. To demonstrate the importance of international cooperation for municipalities as well as contributions of municipalities to international cooperation.<br />
2. To offer access to international knowledge and cooperation and to carry out good practices of Dutch local governments where relevant.<br />

The project is based on the following objectives:<br />
1. To demonstrate the importance of international cooperation for municipalities as well as contributions of municipalities to international cooperation.<br />
2. To offer access to international knowledge and cooperation and to carry out good practices of Dutch local governments where relevant.<br />

This year, the Global Disability Summit (GDS) took place from 16 - 17 February 2022. We Are Able! has contributed to the event on both days, as a guest speaker during the WeThe15 roundtable as well as during its own side-event We are Able! – Are YOU able too? discussing the role of local government to endorse a  more inclusive society.

WeThe15 Roundtable

The project is based on the following objectives:<br />
1. To demonstrate the importance of international cooperation for municipalities as well as contributions of municipalities to international cooperation. <br />
2. To offer access to international knowledge and cooperation and to carry out good practices of Dutch local governments where relevant. <br />
3. To inform and to advise on international developments and agendas and how these can be localized and implemented by municipalities (e.g. Municipalities4GlobalGoals campaign). <br />

The project focuses on the following pillars:<br />
1) Information provision and services<br />
2) Exchange of knowledge, experience and insights<br />
3) Representation and advocacy<br />
4) Management and communication <br />
5) Representation within the UCLG and the Council of Europe<br />
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1) Efficient and targeted advice and information provision to all Dutch municipalities at both official and administrative level, on priority themes within the international domain;<br />

The wider objective of the project is to assist the national government of the Netherlands in better facilitating information exchange and streamline intermunicipal coordination and cooperation amongst Dutch local governments in their paradiplomatic relations with China.<br />
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Op 4 en 5 juni staat de Global Goals VIPbus op het VNG Jaarcongres. Kom kijken in de bus, ga in gesprek over de Global Goals en de Omgevingswet, en ding mee naar een gratis bezoek van de VIPbus naar uw gemeente! Burgemeester Jan van Zanen zal op het congres als eerste plaatsnemen in de Global Goals VIPbus.