Country Lebanon
Region World wide
Duration Start 1 September, 2023 till 31 December, 2026
Field of expertise Dealing with Conflict, Fragility and Migration
Policy field(s) Community development
Community development
Funding Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
Project code 11448.23.LB
The wider objective of the project is supporting Local Authorities and their representative bodies to be able to shape more sustainable futures for their communities

The specific objectives:
1. Enabling Local Authorities and groups in society to address drivers of conflict in a non-violent and inclusive manner
2. Enabling Local Authorities to shape better furtures for host and displaced communities within their territories
3. Enabling Local Authorities to catalyse local economic developemnt by generating revenue for pubilic investment
4. Enabling Local Authorities and their representative bodies to deliver on their agreements and execute policies to manage healthy, safe and social equal lives for all on lands with climate and water-related risks

The expected results of the project are:
*Local governments (LGs) and their representative bodies are able to shape more sustainable futures for their communities
(i) Improved local governance (decision-making process, policies and services)
(ii) Improved Leadership within local government
(iii) Empowered social groups