Since the beginning of this project, at least two colleagues have asked me for some guidance in the coffee zone of Colombia, and from today onwards, I’ll proudly send them the

Pereira City Guide for Usable Waste Management.




Last couple of months a very dedicated team of governance and environmental specialists worked together with the municipality and recycling organisations to elaborate this guide. The wish is to facilitate the implementation of the waste management policies and the formalization of waste recyclers in the municipality of Pereira. It is therefore a reference instrument for officials and contractors of the different dependencies of the municipal administration, recyclers, recyclers organizations, companies providing public cleaning services and other stakeholders that participate in the formulation, updating, implementation, monitoring and control of the Integrated Waste Management Plan of Pereira (PGIRS) 2015 - 2027.




The making of the plan was supported by the VNG International DEALS Pereira Team, within the context of the Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities Programme (DEALS).