Country Netherlands
Other countries World
Region World wide
Duration Start 1 January, 2022 till 31 December, 2022
Field of expertise Building More Effective Public Administration
Policy field(s) Intergovernmental relations
Funding VNG, Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten
Project code B2022
The project is based on the following objectives:
1. To demonstrate the importance of international cooperation for municipalities as well as contributions of municipalities to international cooperation.
2. To offer access to international knowledge and cooperation and to carry out good practices of Dutch local governments where relevant.
3. To inform and to advise on international developments and agendas and how these can be localized and implemented by municipalities (e.g. Municipalities4GlobalGoals campaign).
4. To facilitate knowledge exchange between Dutch and foreign municipalities regarding international policies and the international dimension of local challenges.
5. Good internal coordination, within the B2022 team, the VNG (incl. team Europe) and VNG International.

The project aims to achieve these objectives through the following categories of activities:
1. Provision of services to Dutch municipalities
2. Platforms and networks related to international relations and policy
3. Advocacy / Representation of interests of municipalities
4. Management and communication
5. Special focus in 2022: cooperation with VNG's local democracy team, to connect SDG agenda to local democracy themes (incl. participatory democracy)