Country Burundi
Region World wide
Duration Start 1 December, 2021 till 31 May, 2025
Field of expertise Dealing with Conflict, Fragility and Migration
Policy field(s) Institutional development
Public policy and planning
Partners ACO-Burundi (Association des Communes du Burundi)
Funding Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO
Project code 11450
Burundi is one of the poorest and most challenging countries in the world regarding advancing land governance and contributing to sustainable socio-economic development. With a rapidly growing population and a vast majority of that population depending on agriculture for their food and livelihoods, land scarcity is an acute challenge for the country. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that land governance in Burundi is characterized by a weak government and high levels of traditional and informal land governance procedures.

The wider objective of the project is improved tenure security and land governance in Burundi. This is done by developing a roadmap for nation-wide scaling of land tenure registration based on the coverage and application of lessons learned in Makamba province, whilst contributing to a more enabling environment for good land governance, particularly relating to legislation regarding land division and succession. Gender equality and equity is a cross-cutting theme across all activities of the project. The project will focus on the Nyanza Lac, a remaining commune in the Makamba province, as well as national-level for the roll out of business plans and lessons learned from the pilot project.

The specific objectives are: 1) Improved land administration, through piloting and finalizing Land Tenure Registration (LTR) in Makamba province, and use the experience of current and previous LTR activities in Burundi to prepare the scaling up of LTR across the country, 2) resolved land related conflicts through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, and 3) Enhanced cooperation on land governance between (inter)national NGOs, CSOs and knowledge institutes as well as with governmental organisations.

The expected results of the project are: (i) The tested LTR approach is implemented in Nyanza Lac through the operationalization of local land service (SFC); (II) Local land conflict resolution mechanisms are effectively resolving land conflicts in Nyanza Lac; (III) The development of a business case will result in the rollout of financially sustainable and technically functional SFCs around the country, and (IV) An institutional enabling environment is created, which facilitates cooperation on land governance between (inter)national NGOs, CSOs and knowledge institutes as well as with governmental organisations.