For the first time this year, the 2020 budget of the Municipality of Oisterwijk provides a beautiful visual representation of how the political themes are related to the Global Goals. Each of the three programmes in the budget starts with a colourful, visual summary where the colours of the Globals Goals tiles correspond to the theme in our plan.

"The 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development of the UN help us to form a clear perspective on a sustainable future. That is why we have embraced this in Oisterwijk in our council programme, the policy memorandum and the budget. But you cannot create a sustainable future on your own. You also need motivated residents, committed entrepreneurs and reliable partners. We have developed these visual representations for them and for ourselves. After all, a picture says more than a 1000 words. In this way we make it clear at a glance where our political themes affect the Global Goals and we really integrate these into our policy."
- Hans Janssen, Mayor of Oisterwijk

Click here for the budget containing these representations

These representations were designed by our own Communications Officer. The Global Goals are shown at the top as a framework and they go through the funnel, linking them to a theme from our budget. This link is made visible in the same colour scheme and when two Global Goals apply to the theme, a second coloured circle has been drawn. To indicate that the themes are different in size and impact, the size of the theme circles is also different. In this way we visually represent what will be larger tasks for us in terms of money and/or impact for society. The various themes linked to the Global Goals come together at the bottom of the funnel in the programme section. The programme section is therefore surrounded by a colour circle that is aligned with the logo of the Global Goals. After all, this is where multiple Global Goals come together.