Country Benin
Region Africa
Duration Start 1 December, 2018 till 30 June, 2023
Field of expertise Building More Effective Public Administration
Policy field(s) Cadastre
Partners MDF, Management for Development Foundation Ede
Kadaster International - Subcontractor
Funding Royal Netherlands Embassy in Benin
Project code 11405
The main objective of the Beninese Land Administration Modernization Project (PMAF) is land security for all and support for the completion of the national cadastre. To do this, the project is active for the availability, proper functioning and sustainability of the Beninese national cadastre. This involves strengthening the National Estate and Land Agency (ANDF) in its management capacities (speed of cadastral registration) but also by producing land titles which ensure its legality, stability and financial viability. The ANDF is also supported as a client and future manager of the "e-terre" Land Information System through the development of monitoring and quality control protocols for the system. Particular emphasis is also placed on the transfer of knowledge and the sharing of experiences on the use and importance of a cadastre between all stakeholders involved in its implementation.

Likewise, the project facilitates the ANDF's implementation of the Land and Land Code for sustained implementation of the land reform in Benin. Thus, strategic support and coaching is deployed to strengthen organizational capacities (institutional and personal) and develop a viable and sustainable economic model for ANDF. The ADNF is expected to be able to provide all of the services and products under its jurisdiction, which in addition to strengthening its legitimacy will ensure its revenue streams. Furthermore, land administration operates through a variety of stakeholders, each with a specific role. If they assume their respective roles and cooperate with each other, this will allow the data collection process to function ideally and boost the national cadastre. These processes and mechanisms are therefore essential for good cadastral administration. The cadastral chain of actors must therefore be functional, operational and efficient. Improvement opportunities will be identified during "chain tests" to be carried out and capitalized.

At the heart of all this, the project will pay particular attention to ensuring that the interests of disadvantaged groups are translated into concrete policies and actions. This will involve participatory decision-making methods but also lobbying and advocacy on behalf of these groups for the development of a national cadastre meeting the needs existing in all their diversity.

The expected results of the project are:
A. The national cadastre is available, functional and durable
B. The ANDF implements the national land and state policy in accordance with the Land and Land Code (CFD) and in a financially viable manner
C. The actors in the chain know their role and cooperate in the implementation of data collection processes according to the selected and approved methods
D. The interests of disadvantaged groups are translated into policies