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Somaliland Delegation Learns Key Disaster Management Strategies in Kenya

04 Jul - By Joppe Bastiaansen
Written by: Mohamed Dubbe In April 2024, a high-level delegation from Somaliland visited Nairobi to exchange knowledge on Disaster Risk Management (DRM). The delegation was led by the Mayor of…
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'We Are Able!' Interviews with Chadia and Alexis (Buganda): Inclusive governance as a driver of positive change

03 May - By Raphaël Marçon
“cliquez ici pour l’article en français”  We Are Able! WaA! is a five-year program (2021-2025) currently running in six African countries (Burundi, DRC, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda),…
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Local Inclusion Agenda (LIA) News Letter

26 Apr - By Sjoerd Wilbers
The We Are Able project aims to help people with disabilities (PWDs) in six areas in Gedarif state, Sudan: Alfashaga, Algoreisha, Eastern Galabat, Western Galabat, Gala Alnahil, and Gedarif…
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The municipality of Porto-Novo promotes entrepreneurship for sustainable agriculture

28 Mar - By Nicole Osuji
Cliquez ici pour l’article en français. The PartiCiP au DEL program aims to harness the economic potential and value the economic resources of municipalities in a climate resilient manner.…
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PartiCiP au DEL activities from October to December 2023 – Newsletter #4

18 Mar - By Nicole Osuji
Cliquez ici pour l’article en français The newsletter for the last quarter of 2023 from the Citizen Participation in Public Policy for Local Economic Development programme in Benin (PartiCiP au DEL…
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