ADIL – Appui au Développement Intégré Local

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Country: Algeria
Region: Middle East
Duration: Start August 1, 2024 till July 31, 2027
Field of expertise: Building More Effective Public Administration
Policy field(s):
Community development
Funding: EU Delegation in Algeria
Volume: EUR 21,300,000.00
Project code: 11493

General objective (impact):

To support Algeria in its approach to reform in terms of integrated and sustainable territorial development, governance and participatory democracy, as part of the decentralization process.

Specific objectives (results):

  1. Support the implementation of reforms to promote local governance and integrated, inclusive and sustainable territorial development through support for central structures at national level – within the Ministry of the Interior, Local Authorities and Regional Planning (MICLAT).
  2.  Support the effective exercise by local authorities (and their partners) of their new roles as development players in a process of decentralization and local governance, with a focus on releasing territorial potential.
  3. Support the building of partnerships and the practice of local authorities new procurement modalities to ensure their role in local governance and territorial development.

ADIL will primarily contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduce inequalities within and between countries.

The other SDGs to which the program will contribute are:

  • SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
  • SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth.
  • SDG 11: Cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
  • SDG16: Promote peaceful and open societies.

In practical terms, at central level, this entails activities such as organizing national dialogues, workshops, seminars and training courses, and providing technical assistance to the different agencies involved.Locally, ADIL will have an experimental territorial anchorage in 12 selected municipalities in 4 different wilayas. This includes the implementation of 24 pilot projects and 24 development initiatives at local level.

Contact & more information

Lorenzo Memoli – contactinfo