Research & publications
- EN: Voluntary Subnational Review – the SDGs and decentralised governments in the Netherlands (2022)
- NL: Voluntary Subnational Review – de SDG’s en Decentrale Overheden in Nederland (2022)
- NL: Columns over vrede en lokale democratie in internationaal perspectief, samengesteld ter ere van het afscheid van Peter Knip als directeur van VNG International/ Columns on peace and local democracy in an international perspective, composed in honor of Peter Knip’s farewell as director of VNG International
- UK: Developing a harmonized indicator set for SDG monitoring at the local level
- UK: Sustainable Development Goals in the municipal council
- UK: The SDGs in municipal policy
- UK: VNG IDEAL Toolkit 2022
- SP: Los Objetivos de Desarollo Sostenible en el concejo municipal
- SP: Los ODS en la política municipal
- FR: Les Objectifs de Développement Durable dans le conseil municipal
- FR: Les ODD dans la politique municipale
English Publications:
Association of Netherlands Municipalities
Decentralised Development Cooperation
- A concise overview. How EU Member States’ national and regional programmes support local governments’ development activities in partner countries
- Annex: case studies. How EU Member States’ national and regional programmes support local governments’ development activities in partner countries
Local Government Resilience Programme (LOGOReP)
- Lebanon: Local Economic Development Strategy West Beqaa
- Lebanon: Spatial Economic Development Plan
- Lebanon: Federation Capacity Mapping Study
Somalia, Advancing Strong Partnerships for Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development (ASPIRE)
- ASPIRE in Puntland – Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development
- ASPIRE in Somaliland – Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development
- ASPIRE in Puntland – Tools for Promoting Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development
- ASPIRE in Somaliland -Tools for Promoting Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development
South Sudan
Uganda Making the Nexus work
- Full report-Self-settled Refugees and the impact on Service Delivery in Koboko Municipal Council
- Summary-–Self-settled Refugees and the impact on Service Delivery in Koboko Municipal Council
Gender sensitive local governance
Towards Better Futures for all
Articles on waste management
- The waste management situation of Pathein (Myanmar), Pereira (Colombia) and Sèmè-Podji (Benin): a technical and governance snapshot (EN)
- Setting up adequate Solid Waste Management in Pathein, Myanmar (EN)
- Solid waste management in Pereira, Colombia (EN)
- Panorama de la Gestión de Residuos Sólidos en Pereira, Colombia (SP)
- Waste Management in Sèmè-Podji, Benin (EN)
- Regards sur la gestion des déchets à Sèmè-Podji, Benin (FR)
Global Goals
- Manual Local Inclusion Agenda
- The SDGs: Global Commitment, International Cooperation, Local Action
- De Global Goals in het gemeentelijk beleid; Een handreiking voor Nederlandse gemeenten
- Bâtir de meilleures perspectives d’avenir en renforçant la gouvernance locale au Bénin
- Women and Land in Bénin
- Service delivery and local governance in a crisis situation: an adapted approach of VNG International in Myanmar
- Experience of and Priorities for Local Governance Reform in Tanintharyi Region – Summary
- Social Accountability in Action
Shiraka Algérie – Initiative pour des municipalités efficaces, inclusives et prospères
- Guide général pour la gestion et la valorisation du patrimoine immobilier local, productif de revenus
Fiscalité locale et mobilisation des ressources - Cahier de charge de la collecte des données SIG
Système d’Information Géographique (SIG) - Description du fonctionnement des unités SIG
Système d’Information Géographique (SIG) - Mise en place d’un SIG pour le suivi et l’évaluation de la dynamique territoriale dans la wilaya d’El Tarf
Système d’Information Géographique (SIG)
- Local Government Resilience Programme Jordan (YouTube)
- Local Government Resilience Programme Lebanon (YouTube)
- Crops and Cows – Peace Building and Cattle Migration Management in South Sudan (YouTube)
Publications on Local Government Associations (LGA)
- Developing a Communication Strategy for a Local Government Association (LGA)
- Establishing a Local Government Association (LGA)
- Financial Management in a Local Government Association (LGA)
- Strategic Planning in a Local Government Association (LGA)
- Lobby & Advocacy for Local Government Associations (LGA)