St Maarten, Netherlands Antilles, Civil Society Partnership Facility for Resilience (CSPFRP)

Country: Sint Maarten
Region: Latin America
Duration: Start July 10, 2020 till March 31, 2025
Field of expertise: Developing Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Communities
Policy field(s):
Civil society
Fund management
Project management
Public private partnership
Public investment
Funding: World Bank
Volume: USD 5,806,451.61
Project code: 11428

The wider objective of the project is to improve the capacity of civil society organizations and support implementation of reconstruction and resilience sub-projects at the community level. The CSPFRP will be implemented through three main complementary components: (a) small grants to civil society organizations for reconstruction and resilience; (b) capacity building and technical assistance for local CSOs; and (c) project management and coordination.

Component 1 finances small grants to CSOs to implement subprojects focused on reconstruction and resilience in the country. A call for proposals is made twice a year. Subproject proposals are screened against predetermined eligibility criteria and implemented by local CSOs. A subproject cycle, rigorous yet simple to minimize the transaction burden, has been developed to guide implementation and ensure credible grant management and learning and knowledge sharing during the project. Implementation of component 1 is preceded by an awareness and outreach campaign to ensure that all stakeholders have adequate information.

Component 2 supports capacity building and technical assistance activities for the local CSOs that will be prospective implementers of the program. Capacity building isdone virtually as much as possible in the short and medium term to accommodate social distancing measures. Capacity building takes two forms namely: (a) initial training in key technical areas that are critical to implementation of the start-up rounds of subprojects; and (b) systematic needs-based capacity development that is mainstreamed into the project annual work planning and implementation process. This component therefore supports start-up training activities for all CSOs in subproject design and implementation to prepare prospective CSOs to prepare and submit compliant proposal. This initial training serves as a mechanism for awareness creation about the project. Initial training is also an opportunity to collect information on the needs of the CSOs to inform the capacity needs assessment and action planning.

Component 3 supports all activities related to project management and coordination. These include: (a) daily management of the project; (b) fiduciary oversight and management; planning, monitoring and evaluation including design and undertaking of qualitative and quantitative evaluations; (c) reporting and documentation of good practices; and (d) knowledge management and coordination activities within the project and with all other stakeholders. Coordination alsos involve processes of the grant mechanism or subproject cycle and activities of awareness creation, education and communication.

The project intends to fund 100 grant projects, targeting 10.000 citizens.

  • Communication and public outreach;
  • Development of grant scheme eligibility criteria;
  • Application of criteria and evaluation of grant proposals;
  • Negotiation of grant contracts;
  • Grant contract awards;
  • Implementation and support to grant projects;
  • Training and capacity building support to grantees;
  • Implementation support to grant projects;
  • Development and implementation of financial management schedule;
  • Monitoring and evaluation of grant projects;
  • Design and development of a close-out procedure.

Contact & more information

Elger Vermeer