Ever since our establishment, a core product has been developing and strengthening the capacity of national associations of local governments. Effective decentralisation requires good cooperation between central and local governments. National associations of local governments can play a key role in that respect, if well-organised. VNG International has a wide range of modules that help improve the capacity of associations. The topics vary from strengthening the advocacy role, improving service provision to members, internal organisation, financial sustainability; and more.
Local Government Associations (LGAs) are traditionally established to enable local government in a specific country to come together to develop a single voice for local government. They are normally membership organizations, providing a number of services to their members. In order to play their role as a representative organization, LGAs are run on a non-party political basis, and in many cases LGAs develop ways of representing the diverse needs of different types of councils within their governance structures so that they can be as inclusive as possible. It is also important that LGAs look to maintain a level of independence from central government so that they can discharge their lobbying and advocacy role effectively.