Institutional capacity building with SASB and the development of tertiary drainage in the city of Beira

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Country: Mozambique
Region: Africa
Duration: Start April 1, 2023 till June 30, 2027
Field of expertise: Improving Access to Basic Services
Policy field(s):
Institutional development
Water Management
Post-conflict reconstruction
Servico Autonomo de Saneamento da Beira (SASB)
Municipality of Beira in Mozambique
Funding: Royal Netherlands Embassy in Mozambique
Volume: EUR 4,000,000.00
Project code: 11469

The wider objective of the project is to enhance quality drainage for residents of Beira that protects them from inundation. This is done through institutional capacity development within SASB (Beira Autonomous Sanitation Unit)nal assistance will facilitate improved tertiary drainage and urban planning by SASB in the city of Beira in addition to improved donor coordination by SASB. This all to help prevent flooding in the city of Beira, so it is both linked to water management and disaster risk management.

The specific objectives are:

1. Improved O&M of drainage (and sanitation) and overall service delivery by SASB
2. Local community takes care of sustainable tertiary drainage in pilot zone ready for scale up
3. Donors and state authorities make efficient use of resources for Beira

The expected results of the project are:

1. High-Level Outcome 1: Improved O&M of drainage (and sanitation) and overall service delivery by SASB (Focus on the organizational and institutional basis of SASB)
1.1 Clear and widely supported segregation of roles and responsibilities
1.2 Improved asset management for drainage and sanitation
1.3 Strengthened organizational capacity and leadership
1.4 Strengthened financial capacity and accountability
2. High level outcome 2: Local community takes care of sustainable tertiary drainage in pilot zone ready for scale up
2.1 Implemented approaches for integrated tertiary drainage pilot by SASB and Partner
2.2 Community feels ownership over tertiary drainage in pilot zone
2.3 Community of practice of actors in tertiary drainage is operational
3. High-level outcome 3: Donors and state authorities make efficient use of resources for Beira
3.1 CMB is able to coordinate donors and state authorities on national level
3.2 CMB and SASB coordinate aid interventions in Beira

Activities performed under the mid-term outcomes:

1.1 Clear and widely supported segregation of roles and responsibilities
1.1.1 Assessment with SASB conducted of current legal and institutional framework
1.1.2 Joint Coordinated dialogue sessions on R&R to increase trust among stakeholders
1.1.3 Advice provided about revision and/or interpretation of legal framework

1.2 Improved asset management for drainage and sanitation
1.2.1 Joint Asset registration and needs assessment for D&S conducted.
1.2.2 Joint Asset management system proposal for D&S for decision making with SASB
1.2.3 Joint Plan for D&S for decision making with SASB

1.3 Strengthened organizational capacity and leadership
1.3.1 SASB staff trained and coached to acquire necessary knowledge/skills (for all mid-level outcomes)
1.3.2 Leadership trajectory for SASB staff implemented
1.3.3 Proposal for Revised work processes and procedures for decision making
1.3.4 Developed IT-policy
1.3.5 Acquired office space and equipment

1.4 Strengthened financial capacity and accountability
1.4.1 Joint Business plan proposal for decision making with SASB
1.4.2 Introduced analytical and transparent finance system

2.1 Implemented approaches for integrated tertiary drainage pilot by SASB and Partner
2.1.1 Joint assessment with SASB of comparable projects and problem analysis
2.1.2 Selection criteria for pilot zone are formulated and pilot is selected
2.1.3 Procurement for sub-contractor is finalized and work implemented
2.1.4 Facilitating the development for an approach for tertiary drainage in pilot zone

2.2 Community feels ownership over tertiary drainage in pilot zone
2.2.1 Joint conflict, gender and social norms analysis conducted in neighbourhood(s) of pilot zone
2.2.2 Joint needs assessment carried out in neighbourhood(s) of pilot zone
2.2.3 Subcontracted NGO’s/CSOs organise induction sessions for communities/neighbourhood(s) in pilot zones facilitated by VNGI

2.3 Community of practice of actors in tertiary drainage is operational
2.3.1 Selection process undertaken for set up of community of practice
2.3.2 Facilitating collection of lessons learned and best practices in pilot zone

3.1 CMB is able to coordinate donors and state authorities on national level
3.1.1/3.2.1 CMB/SASB coached to organize aid coordination single-handedly and sustainably
3.1.2/3.2.2 Joint developed instruments to facilitate CMB/SASB in aid coordination
3.1.3/3.2.3 Joint research completed on organizational unit for donor and stakeholder management

3.2 CMB and SASB coordinate aid interventions in Beira
3.2.4 Joint Beira stakeholder and project mapping conducted
3.2.5 Joint organized meetings with local stakeholders


Contact & more information

Michelle van Raalte
Contact & more information
  • Michelle van Raalte

    Project Manager