Fields of expertise
Building More Effective Public Administration
Public administration has a direct and tangible impact on everyday life in communities. The quality of services, such as waste collection, maintenance of public spaces, and infrastructure, shapes our daily experiences and perceptions of safety and well-being. Good public administration encourages citizen engagement and private sector involvement. When people feel included in decision-making, they are more likely to participate and invest in their community. Conversely, if they feel sidelined, it can lead to apathy and a sense of disconnection. Transparency and predictibility of local government, with effective procedures and administration also ensures that businesses can flourish. Overall, good local public administration reflects the broader issues of equity, transparency, and responsiveness, making it vital to focus on for sustainable community development.
VNG International’s methodologies emphasize working at the local government level, whilst improving coordination and communication at all government levels (multilevel governance). Also, we use a multi-actor approach when fostering cooperation at the local level with civil society and the private sector, where local governments have the roles of coordinators and catalysts. We carry out political economy analyses, to identify the formal and informal local governance processes. Often we complement these with a gender analysis to understand the impact of our work on men and women.
When designing change strategies, we carefully involve all stakeholders, both local and national. Typically, we seek to involve national local government associations, to feed local implementation examples into national policy recommendations.
A selection from the issues addressed in our projects in the field of building more effective public administration:
- Develop well-defined intergovernmental relations with clear powers and responsibilities and corresponding financial arrangements;
- strengthen local public finance management;
- develop well-functioning civil registries and land and property registrations;
- modernise local taxation, from registration to e-billing and enforcement;
- support digitalisation for data-driven decision making;
- train local councillors in their roles and responsibilities;
- capacity development for local government staff.
Involving Citizens in Decision Making
In many places in the world, citizens feel excluded from the decision-making process by their authorities. Yet the decisions made affect citizens’ lives, their daily environment, and their future perspectives. Engaging citizens gives them the opportunity to voice their needs and contribute to service delivery that matches their priorities. Local governments often lack the skills or tools to encourage participation and for being held accountable for their deeds and decisions. Citizen participation is essential for good local governance, and a basis for increased welfare and stability.
VNG International’s way of working includes bringing together local governments and stakeholders, to learn about each other’s roles, and to further trust and confidence in working together. We encourage citizens and their organisations to hold their governments accountable for public spending. We encourage local governments to listen and be held accountable.
A selection from the issues addressed in our projects in involving citizens in decision-making:
- bring local governments and stakeholders together, to learn about each other’s roles, and to further trust and confidence in working together;
- set up municipal information and resource centres;
- use social accountability tools for local governments with regard to public resources;
- participate in modern forms of public administration aligned with traditional leadership.
Developing Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Communities
By 2050, it is expected that 75 per cent of the world population lives in cities. Cities are increasingly considered the backbone of the national economy. Cities are places of innovation. Yet, cities also face multiple challenges related to urbanisation, including climate change, urban mobility and disaster risks.
VNG International partners with cities and communities to make them more resilient to the aforementioned challenges. We emphasize the importance of stakeholder engagement, ensuring that diverse voices are heard in the local planning process. We foster economic growth and develop urban planning strategies that address immediate risks and contribute to long-term resilience. We assist in developing disaster risk management plans tailored to local context, that are essential for helping communities be better prepared. We assist cities by integrating sustainability and climate adaptation measures into urban projects.
A selection from the issues addressed in our projects in developing sustainable and resilient cities and communities:
- multi-stakeholder approaches for mitigating the effects of climate change;
- maintain safety and security for all, including those with special needs;
- support local governments in preparing for disaster and reconstruction afterwards.
- provide access for local leaders and staff to knowledge and experience of peers;
- improve green and climate-change resilient infrastructure;
- support sustainable integrated urban and spatial planning;
- support access to and management of funds for climate-related projects;
- promote local economic development through public-private partnerships, assuring sufficient employment for all.
Improving Access to Basic Services
The provision of basic public services is one of the main responsibilities of local governments. There are, however, various factors may hinder the fulfilment of this responsibility. Their mandate may not be well-defined, their staff may not have the necessary technical or policy-making capacity, or they may lack the finances to make services accessible and affordable, for vulnerable groups also.
VNG International’s approach is based on the notion that improved access to basic services, means improved quality of life, the prospects for social and economic development, and people’s confidence in local democracy.
A selection from the issues addressed in our projects in improving access to basic services:
- develop and implement waste, water and sanitation management;
- establish social housing policies;
- improve local economic development policies;
- support sustainable urban mobility systems;
- improve the financial basis for provision and maintenance of basic services;
- involve citizens in the day-to-day management and operations of basic services;
- create awareness about the gender elements in all of the above, and provide tools for incorporating a gender-sensitive approach.
Dealing with Conflict, Fragility and Migration
In fragile environments, local governments can play a crucial role in promoting dialogue and restoring the social contract between the state and its citizens. With the enormous numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons in various regions of the world, the strain on host communities has become huge, with pressure on basic services, housing, employment, transport, etc. This requires a new approach to the reception of refugees in their region of origin, connecting relief interventions with long term local development. It also requires that the local government promotes understanding and fosters dialogue between different communities.
VNG International’s approach underscores the fundamental principle that security is a basic human need, and providing security and protection is a prime responsibility of governments. We empower local governments to fulfil their role.
A selection from the issues addressed in our projects in dealing with conflict, fragility and migration:
- bring public security institutions and citizens organisations around the table to build trust and dialogue;
- support the process of identifying and implementing concrete measures, such as making public spaces safe, providing safe access for women to fields and markets, etc.;
- restore municipal services after armed conflict and natural disasters;
- address the challenge for local governments in host communities to reconcile the presence of large groups of refugees with the short and long term needs of the people who already live there.