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On 1 July 2023, VNG International in partnership with MDF and Kadaster International together started Project Preparing for the Scaling up of the National Cadastre (PPMEC) in Benin, an 18-month project to provide support in preparing the e-foncier system and stakeholders for the scaling up of the national cadastre in Benin. The project is funded by the Dutch Embassy in Benin, following the first Land Administration Modernisation Project (PMAF), and will provide ongoing support to Benin’s National Land and Property Agency (ANDF), which manages the land information system, in its role of maintaining and developing an e-system that is tailored to Benin’s needs, sustainable and compliant with international standards. Officially launched on 04 August 2023 by the Comité Technique de Supervision de la Réalisation du Cadastre National (CTSRCN), the project will facilitate the collection of data on property rights (land titles) and presumed property rights throughout the city of Cotonou, and will build the capacity of communes, notaries and surveyors so that they can play an effective role in updating cadastral data and continuously monitoring the use of the e-foncier system.
The issue of land tenure security is a major concern for Benin and is reflected in national development strategies. Registering plots of land in the national land register will help to resolve land conflicts, encourage private investment and give the State clarity over land resources. The project will pay particular attention to taking into account the specific needs of vulnerable groups (women, young people, migrants and people with disabilities) and including them in the national dialogue when preparing the scaling up of the land register. As M. Victorien D. Kougblenou, General Director of ANDF, stated during the project launch ceremony, “the national cadastre is a development tool”.