VNG International has been working on St Maarten since 2018 and is currently implementing three projects:
- The Resources for Community Resilience programme focused on civil society capacity building and providing a grant scheme mechanism for local civil society organisations;
- The Solid Waste Management Support project that supports the government in waste sector reform and setting an a new solid waste authority;
- The regional Caribbean Exchange Facility that targets government-to-government support to improve public service delivery and good governance and targets all six islands within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
These projects are financed by the World Bank and the Ministry of the Interior in the Netherlands.

Mr. Steve Duzanson is Team Leader of the Resources for Community Resilience programme (R4CR). Mr. Duzanson has ample experience with both the business sector as well as with civil society dedicating the last two years after hurricane Irma to the recovery effort on the island.

Ms Jose Sommers works as the part-time Capacity Strengthening & Training Manager for R4CR. Through her 30 years of experience on St Maarten in the fields of education and civil society, she plays an important role in connecting organizations and assisting them in the successful implementation of their projects.

Ms Fleur Hermanides is the part time Grant Manager and Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialist for R4CR. She has been facilitating funders with financially assisting CSOs for over 7 years, along with previous work experience in the health and environment field.

Ms Chi Hing Roger-Yee is the Finance & Control Specialist for R4CR on a part-time basis. She has over 12 years of experience in the auditing field. She has done audits for various foundations, schools and government entities.
Address: Illidge Road 60 unit 1.1, St Maarten
Telephone: +1 721 550 7427
Facebook: @r4crsxm