DEALS: Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities
Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities (DEALS) was a five-year programme (2017-2022) to support six fast-growing cities in the transition to inclusive and sustainable development. For this transition new forms of cooperation are needed between local government, companies, social organizations, knowledge institutions and funding partners.
The DEALS programme ends with this presentation mapping the results and lessons learned of city partnerships and an integrated approach in the field of inclusive waste management, market management, flood prevention, disaster management, public campaigning and co-creation in Beira in Mozambique, Kumasi in Ghana, Manila in The Philippines, Pathein in Myanmar, Pereira in Colombia and Sèmè-Podji in Benin.

About the programme
An increasing proportion of the world’s population lives in cities. In 2030 this is expected to be sixty percent. Urban governments and governmental organisations face unprecedented challenges in terms of quality of life, employment, safety and the environment. Their vision and performance in the coming decades will be determinative for the future of cities.
Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities (DEALS) is a five-year programme (2017-2022) to support six fast-growing cities in the transition to inclusive and sustainable development. For this transition new forms of cooperation are needed between local government, companies, social organizations, knowledge institutions and funding partners.
Our drive is to improve the performance of the local government in this cooperation. This is necessary because local and urban government is becoming increasingly important and complex. There is a growing need for a collaborative, responsive and flexible municipality. Our ultimate goal is to keep the cities of the future alive and sustainable. Our main focus is on the interests of people earning less than 1.25 US dollars a day.
As part of VNG (Association of Netherlands Municipalities) we have over a hundred years of experience in the field of local governance. The cities in the DEALS programme are Kumasi (Ghana), Sèmè-Podji (Benin), Pathein (Myanmar), Pereira (Colombia), Beira (Mozambique) and Manila (Philippines). For each city, a program is tailor-made based on local priorities.
This programme is financed by the Netherlands ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Inclusive Green Growth Department.
Watch our ‘City Deals to deal with cities’ animation video:
Take a look at the fact sheets per city:
- Mozambique : Factsheet-Beira
- Ghana: Factsheet-Kumasi
- Philippines: Factsheet-Manila
- Myanmar: Factsheet-Pathein / Factsheet-Pathein Myanmar language
- Colombia: Factsheet-Pereira
- Benin: Factsheet-Sèmè-Podji
Listen to the Voice of DEALS:
In this podcast #12 we interview Prince Aboagye Anokye, expert for the DEALS project in Kumasi, Ghana. He explains the current situation in the city of Kumasi in relation to the COVID-19. The measures and lockdown came very suddenly and as a surprise to many people. The municipality had to respond quickly by covering water bills and providing food supplies. The city authorities agreed on protocols with market leaders. The city can build upon a high social capital where people look after each other.In a series of podcasts the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities, VNG International, interviews people involved in the programme Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities (DEALS). The DEALS programme is financed by the Netherlands ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Inclusive Green Growth department, and aims for inclusive and sustainable development in cities.Menno Bosma, partner in Wereld in Woorden Global Research & Reporting, is the interviewer in this podcast.
Podcast #1: interview Peter van Tongeren, associated expert of VNG International, working in cooperation with the city of Beira in Mozambique.
Podcast #2: interview Ap Reinders, Vice Mayor of the City of Haarlemmermeer and member of the VNG Commission Europe and International on the portfolio of regional economic development.
Podcast #3: interview Carolina Cardona, Secretary of Rural Development and Environment of the City of Pereira, Colombia. Together with VNG International, the DEALS programme, she works on an inclusive governance approach for the formalization of informal waste recyclers.
Podcast #4: we interview Bert Keesman, councilor of the municipality of Weesp in The Netherlands and owner of the company Metasus. For VNG International, the DEALS programme, he visited the city of Pereira, Colombia, to co-facilitate a debate on integrated waste management amongst candidate Mayors to the city of Pereira. He facilitated the debate together with Fernando Umaña, journalist for El Tiempo. Mayors elections are held at the end of October 2019. It was a first time such a debate took place
In this podcast (#5) we interview Jeroen Diepenmaat, Vice-Mayor of the city of Enschede in The Netherlands and member of the VNG committee Europe and International, portfolio holder Sustainable Urban Development and therewith also chair of the DEALS programme advisory committee. For VNG International, the DEALS programme, he visited the cities of Kumasi in Ghana and Sèmè-Podji in Benin, to advise on key urban development issues and our DEALS approach. In this podcast he reflects on how traders play a key role in the success of satellite markets in Kumasi and how the fishery communities are key in a successful waste chain in Sèmè-Podji.
In this podcast (#6) we interview Francis García, Mayor of Balanga City, Bataan, The Philippines. For VNG International, the DEALS programme, he visited The Netherlands twice this year to accompany intergovernmental delegations from the Philippines involved in the development of the Master Plan for the Sustainable Development of Manila Bay. In the catchment area of Manila Bay, over a 100 Local Government Units are daily providing public services like waste collection and access to safe water to millions of people. The population in the area is rapidly growing. In this podcast he reflects on how it is decisive that people know each other to manage the whole cycle of water and how all these LGUs rely on each other for social, economic and environmental development.
In this podcast (#7) we interview Naw Htee Ku Paw, the Resident Programme Officer for the DEALS project in Pathein, Myanmar. She explains the current situation in Pathein in relation to the COVID-19 virus. The city introduced a Hand Washing Campaign at local markets through which they raise awareness for the virus.
In Podcast (#8) we interview Julian Baskin, Principal Urban Advisor of Cities Alliance in Brussels. In this podcast, Mr. Baskin will reflect on the DEALS programme compared to other urban development programmes he knows from his work at Cities Alliance. Also, Mr. Baskin will reflect on developments in the city of Beira, Mozambique, and Kumasi, Ghana. The developments were on the agenda of the last meetings of the DEALS advisory committee, of which Mr. Baskin is an advisory member.
In podcast (#9) we interview Luis Felipe Vásquez Correa, expert of the DEALS programme in the city of Pereira, Colombia. He reflects on the current situation in Pereira in relation to the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 changes the whole dynamic of what people in the municipality are doing. The Mayor needs more time for the new Municipal Development plan. The municipality is assuming costs for food and shelter. Public waste organizations need private waste companies back to work to unlock the value chain.
In Podcast (#10) we interview Naw Htee ku Paw, project coordinator of the Governance of Inclusive Green Growth programme in the city of Pathein, in Myanmar. Myanmar is a country in governance transition and citizen engagement in urban development is becoming more important. She discusses how this engagement works in practice. Also, she presents the results of a waste management audit and the impact of better household waste sorting on health. She discusses the limitations of the current local tax system.
In this podcast #11 we interview Peter van Tongeren, expert for the DEALS project in Beira, Mozambique. He explains the current situation in the city of Beira in relation to the COVID-19 virus. The municipality is disinfecting marketplaces, organizing washing facilities, producing face protection masks, and having awareness campaigns, apart from the ongoing work. People can still work and help each other.
Dare to experiment with an integrated governance approach
In today’s world, the biggest challenges that we face are interconnected. If the elements affect one another, treating the parts as separate will not bring you closer to a solution. Or, you may find that the solution for one part of the problem creates a negative effect elsewhere.
At VNG International, we believe that governing today’s societies and managing a transition to sustainable development asks for an integrated governance approach. Dare to experiment and change plans as you go. Learn from one another.
So get out there, watch our animation video on the integrated governance approach and make it yours.
The DEALS programme aims to support integrated and inclusive multi-stakeholder governance processes in partner municipalities.
The measurement tool offered is intended to make these abstract notions tangible and set targets for output level ‘integrated, multi-level, multi-stakeholder’ capacity in DEALS partner cities, which also allow some comparison across countries.
The complete tool consists of:
1) a questionnaire relating to the set of 6 key elements of an integrated approach in the DEALS programmes, including a guide to using the questionnaire.
2) above posted factsheets per partner city
3) a background paper
- Working with an integrated approach on complex urban issues – Mayors’ perspectives from Kumasi (Ghana), Pereira (Colombia) and Sèmè-Podji (Benin)
- Working with an integrated approach on complex urban issues – Civil servants’ perspectives from Kumasi (Ghana), Pereira (Colombia) and Sèmè-Podji (Benin)
- Working with an integrated approach on complex urban issues – VNG International experts’ perspectives from Kumasi (Ghana), Pereira (Colombia) and Pathein (Myanmar)
More information
Interested in the programmes progress? Follow our outcome monitoring at IATI.
Interested in updates? Check the latest news here.
The synthesis reports of the mid-term evaluation of the DEALS programme and our response to the observations and recommendations made by the reviewers can be read by clikcking below:
- Report of the mid-term review of the VNG International DEALS projects Manila and Beira.
- Synthesis Report Kumasi Pathein Pereira Seme-Podji
- Response tables DEALS MTR
Articles on waste management
- The waste management situation of Pathein (Myanmar), Pereira (Colombia) and Sèmè-Podji (Benin) (EN)
- Setting up adequate Solid Waste Management in Pathein, Myanmar (EN)
- Solid waste management in Pereira, Colombia (EN)
- Panorama de la Gestión de Residuos Sólidos en Pereira, Colombia (SP)
- Waste Management in Sèmè-Podji, Benin (EN)
- Regards sur la gestion des déchets à Sèmè-Podji, Benin (FR)