(cliquez ici pour l’article en français)
On Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023, VNG International was received by its sister association in Benin, the National Association of Beninese Municipalities (ANCB). Its President and Mayor of Cotonou, Luc Sètondji ATROKPO opened the dialogue on the new relationship between the two associations and their commitment to a fruitful partnership together.
VNG International was represented by Maria VEGER, Benin Account Manager, Sylvie YETONDJI, Country Representative in Benin, and Hervé DOSSOUMOU, Program Director. Our team, together with the ANCB Climate Change Focal Point, Hermann PADONOU, and the ANCB Water and Sanitation Technical Assistant, Emenique ALLADATIN, worked on the establishment of a new dynamic in our collaboration, in view to achieve lasting impact in the core fields of expertise of VNG International, especially local governance, land, climate change, water management, the fight against insecurity and violent extremism.
Both parties expressed their gratitude about their mutual support and will to work together on future programs where both their forces can be allied.
The partnership between VNG International and the ANCB rests on strong roots, as they cooperated in different programmes and projects in the past, notably on services for municipalities and advocacy towards the national government, among others. The ANCB took part in various study visits to the Netherlands, and in the recent years, actively participated in CIB meetings, a VNG International-managed network, to report among others on the strides taken by Beninese municipalities in achieving the SDGs.
The ANCB also reported its satisfaction in an article available here.
#localgovernance #decentralization #localresources #vnginternational #ancb