VNG International joins CD4D2 Taskforce

January 31, 2020

Task Force MeetingOn 29 January VNG International participated in the first Taskforce meeting of the Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D) programme. This programme is coordinated by IOM, the United Nations International Organisation for Migration. Through the transfer of knowledge and expertise, CD4D2 engages diaspora to support the development of their countries of origin. The active role of diaspora is promoted in selected sectors of the four focus countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria and Somalia. ‘Local governance’ , ‘Rule of Law’, ‘Private Sector Development’, ‘Migration Management’ and ‘Basic Services’ are prominent target sectors in CD4D.

VNG International is active in both Iraq and Somalia and has ample experience on CD4D’s target sectors, including fostering economic development and the relationship between refugees and host communities. We were asked to join the Taskforce to provide general guidance and advice during project implementation. The Taskforce moreover aims to seek synergies with initiatives of other organizations. We will also explore opportunities for new joint initiatives in diaspora and development related areas. In addition to VNG International, the Taskforce is composed of organisations such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SPARK, The Hague Academy for Local Governance, Cordaid and various diaspora organisations representing the target countries.

We are looking forward to more fruitful discussions!

Find out more about the CD4D programme here:
Source: IOM Nederland
