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As a prelude to the start of experimentation in the five partner communes of the LRAP project (Zio 4, Wawa 2, Tchamba 3, Dankpen 2 and Oti sud 2), the members of the National Advisory Committee (CCN) carried out a mission to visit the land tenure methodology experimentation sites from 24 June to 2 July 2024. This mission was supported by the Technical Assistance Team of the consortium led by VNG International, made up of Cadasta Foundation, Kadaster International and WiLDAF-Togo. They had the opportunity to get to know the physical realities of each site and to talk to local people about the activities and land tenure realities of each locality. All stakeholders, including mayors and their deputies, municipal councillors, traditional chiefs, women, young people, development organisations, herders, etc., expressed the hope that the LRAP project would help them to eradicate the land issues that are hampering local development efforts and social cohesion in their communities. The members of the CCN congratulated the local people for their involvement and mobilisation in the activities and success of the project. The tour of the sites was accompanied by the 4th ordinary session of the CCN, which was delocalized to Kaboli (Tchamba 3 commune).