In the last week of September VNG International conducted three workshops in Türkiye for the municipalities of Seyhan (Adana), Osmaniye and Kahramanmaraş. Two Dutch experts on scenario planning and urban planning were leading the workshops. Elected municipal council members, appointed municipal officials, academics and civil society took part in the workshops to discuss opportunities and challenges of urban development for their municipalities after the earthquakes. The goal of the week was to identify priorities for urban development. More workshops will follow to support the 3 municipalities in their reconstruction and recovery efforts after the earthquakes through the design of Local Recovery Plans.
Participatory Local Recovery Plans will list the long-term needs for recovery and reconstruction and will elaborate through concrete follow-up projects. The workshops are part of the project called “Local Governance Recovery, Reconstruction and Response following the Earthquake in Türkiye”. This project is funded by Giro555. If you would like to learn more about the assistance provided by Giro555 in the past months, we kindly refer you to the Giro555 website.