With regards to the situation in Myanmar, VNG International is trying to influence through its main network United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
On the 6th of April delegates from UCLG had a meeting with Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner on Human Rights and former president of Chili. This meeting was a follow up of the UCLG statement on Myanmar, initiated by VNG International and the mayor of The Hague Jan van Zanen, president of VNG and co-chair of the UCLG presidency.
The meeting was attended by Emilia Saiz, the SG of the UCLG, the mayor of Barcelona, Spain and the mayor of Gwangja in South-Korea and Expert to the meeting was Morton Kjaerum Directeur Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Sweden.
UCLG delegates expressed their concern for the people in Myanmar, and discussed main issues, including the (divided) position of the UN Security Council. Mentioned was also the threats and challenges for operations of national and international NGO’s whilst humanitarian needs are rapidly increasing. Proposed was a stronger follow up statement and a technical working group to define possible UCLG support. The meeting agreed that ‘people in Myanmar shouldn’t be forgotten by the people from other countries’.