The municipality of Porto-Novo promotes entrepreneurship for sustainable agriculture

March 28, 2024

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The PartiCiP au DEL program aims to harness the economic potential and value the economic resources of municipalities in a climate resilient manner. Simultaneously, supporting and guiding youth in entrepreneurship helps tackling unemployment and promote a dynamic, competitive, and sustainable economy to provide an equitable response to the food security needs of the entire Beninese population.

In this context, the Municipal Council of Porto-Novo, with the support of the PartiCiP au DEL program, organized a training at the Songhaï Center in Porto-Novo for 44 youth from the city, including 11 women. The certificate award ceremony took place on the March 20, 2024. During this event, the Mayor expressed confidence in the youth, emphasizing that their initiatives would drive the Beninese economy forward.

During three months, the youth followed this training on agricultural entrepreneurship, focusing particularly on integrated and sustainable production, taking into account value chains. Participants were trained, among other things, on a new systemic vision, new technologies and practices in various sectors, including animal, plant, and fish production, as well as food and craft transformation. Thanks to this project, the youth are now ready to put into practice the acquired technical knowledge and become pioneering beneficiaries of the project, as emphasized by one of the participants.

The Mayor encourages progress towards the next stages of the project, namely the development of a work plan covering all aspects of the project and implementing activities, providing secured domains to the trained youth, as well as organizing them into cooperatives and providing them with equipment.

The video of this event is available here:

