The consortium led by VNG International and composed of Cadasta Foundation, WiLDAF-Togo and Kadaster International undertook with the Millennium Challenge Account Togo Implementing Agency (OMCA-Togo) a mission to get in touch with the actors implementing the Reform for the Increase of Agricultural Productivity Project (LRAP).

The mission took place on 16 and 17 August in the Prefecture of Wawa, about 230 km in the centre-west of the country. The delegation was welcomed by the Prefect, Deputy Mayor of the Prefecture for the joint working session.

Improving Sustainability of the WASH Sector in Upper Egypt, a 30-month project, is based on the needs of the Egyptian Ministry of Local Development, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, and the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater Management, through their positions as stakeholders in WASH governance in Egypt and their previous investments in the WASH sector and various levels.

The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique).

The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique).

The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique). <br />

The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique). <br />

The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique).

The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique). <br />

The TRIDE project aims to improve food security and integrated water resource management in 137 villages of 8 chefferies in North and South Kivu. In addition to promoting good governance at the local level, with a view to addressing the root causes of inter-ethnic conflicts, problems of insecurity (armed groups) and other forms of harassment for a harmonious and sustainable development of the local economy will also be aspects of the project.<br />
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The project will be implemented in the following targeted areas:<br />

The Libyan Women Elected Officials Network (WEON) organized a Statutory conference entitled: “Supporting the Local Political Participation of Women in Libya" on November 19th, 20th, and 21st, at El Mouradi Gammarth, Tunis with support from VNG-International, CILG-VNG International, and GIZ.