SDLG SRol Program Transforms Communities Through Strategic Initiatives

January 8, 2024

In an effort to propel SDLG’s cluster 1 localities towards progress, and as part of SDLG-SRol activities, the localities have updated their strategic development and investment plans (SDIPs) and their annual capital investment plans (ACIPs). These plans aim to diagnose current challenges, identify strengths and weaknesses, and establish priorities for the crucial years ahead—2023 to 2027. Notably, the program’s impact has materialized in Ni’ilin and Qibya. Ni’ilin’s emergency center witnesses a technological upgrade through the development of IT systems provided by the program, aligning with one of Ni’lin’s SDIP priority objectives to promote public health awareness. Similarly, Qibya’s water network infrastructure takes a leap forward with the SDLG program contributing to a comprehensive study for updating the water tank project. These success stories underscore the program’s collaborative approach and set the stage for continued transformative change in communities.

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