SDG 1 and 2 presented to Member of Parliament

May 24, 2022

On 16 May 2022, representatives of various organizations presented SDG 1 (no poverty) and SDG 2 (zero hunger) to Member of Parliament Hülya Kat (D66). As part of the Adopt a SDG campaign, this handover took place to draw attention to more awareness and ownership of the sustainable development goals within the Dutch government.

Adopt a SDG campaign

In the absence of a Dutch national SDG strategy, Building Change has set up the “adopt a SDG campaign” to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among Members of Parliament. This time, Member of Parliament Hülya Kat adopted SDG 1 and SDG 2. Hülya Kat deals with the portfolios Participation Act, Poverty & Debt Policy and the Allowance Affair. She recognizes the integral nature of the goals and is interested in poverty and hunger prevention across borders. Cross-border, both between borders of policy themes as well as attention to developments across national frontiers. These SDGs were presented by representatives of Save the Children, Prisma, Oxfam Novib, Elke(in) and VNG International.

Contribution from inclusion project We Are Able

We were present at the presentation on behalf of the We Are Able project to draw attention to this subject in relation to inclusion. The vast majority of public space and the labor market are still inaccessible at home and abroad for persons with a physical disability or mental vulnerability. This increases the risk of exclusion from the labor market for this group, possibly negatively affecting primary needs such as food security. It is therefore essential to ensure involvement of people with lived experience in decision-making processes. Member of Parliament Hülya Kat has indicated that she is open to further exchanges about the opportunities of international exchange for Dutch policy and vice versa. We look forward to extend the conversation with her within and beyond the bounds of this project.

Learn more

Adopt a SDG Campaign

Webpage We Are Able
