Refugee and migration management

November 14, 2022

LG technical and political leaders have limited knowledge on the management of refugee and migration issues within their jurisdiction. In the wake of the humanitarian crisis brought about by the influx of refugees, several humanitarian agencies and NGOs have been implementing interventions for refugees and host communities with clearance from OPM, thereby by passing the input and involvement of the LGs where the settlements are located. The refugee response in Uganda is largely centralized with the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM)– Department of Refugees and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) Secretariat taking the lead in coordination between LGs and the DPs to streamline responses for refugees and host communities. This coordination remains very weak and disjointed leaving LGs with the burden of responding to the needs of refugees who relocate to the urban centres and integrate with the host communities in search for livelihood alternatives. As seen in the picture, this could lead to various problems. For instance, creating turmoil between the host community and the refugees. Whereas the law requires LGs to monitor and oversee activities of NGOs operating within their jurisdiction through the NGO Monitoring Committees, the capacity of the LG teams to understand and relate NGO plans to LG District Development Plans (DDPs) remains largely vague. Even with the establishment of the District Refugee Engagement Forum and the National Plan of Action within the CRRF to streamline refugee response, there are still glaring gaps in translation of the ideas into practical actions and engagements with the LG structures and processes. Moreover, LGs continue to face critical constraints on social services owing to the large and growing population of refugees and migrants that are not catered for in their Indicative Planning Figures (IPFs) provided to the LGs by the central government. This has a direct bearing on the quality of amongst others healthcare services, education, waste management, coexistence and social cohesion between refugees and host communities and the environment.

