Zimbabwe, Local Authority Capacity Enhancement Project 2

Country: Zimbabwe
Region: Africa
Duration: Start March 1, 2018 till August 31, 2021
Field of expertise: Building More Effective Public Administration
Policy field(s):
Public finance
Intergovernmental relations
Inter-municipal co-operation
Funding: Delegation of the European Union to Zimbabwe
Volume: EUR 1,111,112.08
Project code: 11387

LACEP II worked to ensure effective, efficient and participatory development at the local level in Zimbabwe by making sure service delivery by the Local Authorities (LAs) is more inclusive, gender responsive and pro-poor focused.

The LACEP II programme worked with LAs on their financial management systems to help them to improve on the transparency and clarity of their budgets so as to make them accountable to the public. Additonally, the programme worked with the Association of Local Authorities (ALAs) to strengthen their capacity, so as to facilitate an enabling environment for local government. The new administration sent a clear message for collaboration, thus LACEP II supported other relevant initiatives in the field of LA capacity building in the South Western region of Zimbabwe.


Results achieved are:

  • Public finance management was improved in 5 target Local Authorities
  • Improved revenue systems in 5 target LAs
  • One specific service was improved in each of the 5 target LAs
  • Improved performance of ALAs to play their representation and co-ordination role to assist LAs in engaging in the formulation of national / sector policies affecting the local level
  • The implementation of the Service Level Benchmark was supported
  • The implementation of a councilors induction programme was supported

The LACEPII programme was implemented in collaboration with Municipal Development Partnership (MDP), the Association of Rural District Councils of Zimbabwe (ARDCZ) and the Urban Councils Association of Zimbabwe (UCAZ). The project was set up and implemented in coordination with CLGF.

  • Made an analysis PFM needs of the 5 target LAs
  • Developed, implemented and monitored PFM support packages for the targeted LAs
  • Ensured the inclusiveness and gender-responsiveness of PFM
  • Made an analysis of the current revenue system and procedures in the 5 target LAs
  • Developed, implemented and monitored revenue collection support packages for the targeted LAs
  • Ensured the inclusiveness and gender-responsiveness of the revenue collection process
  • Facilitated and implemented participatory policy-making processes to develop Service Delivery Improvement Strategy.
  • Improved performance of ALAs to play their representation and co-ordination role to assist LAs in engaging in the formulation of national / sector policies affecting the local level
  • Conducted an organisational scan of the ALAs and an annual exchange and coaching of ALAs and supported the implementation of the ALA’s Lobby & Advocacy Strategy
  • Provided and evaluated a support package to the ALAs tailored to their needs
  • Supported the yearly implementation of the SLB in the SW region where necessary
  • Used the SLB results as a performance measurement tool in LACEP 2

Contact & more information

Myrte van der Spek