Ukraine, Democratic Governance East Activity

Country: Ukraine
Region: Europe – non EU member states
Duration: Start February 28, 2019 till September 30, 2023
Field of expertise: Building More Effective Public Administration
Policy field(s):
Institutional development
Community development
Public policy and planning
Smart City / Urban planning
Civil society
Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development
Funding: USAID, U.S. Agency for International Development
Volume: USD 2,367,582.84
Project code: 11409

DG East is a five-year, $57,051,252 contract that aims to strengthen the connection and trust between citizens and their government in eastern Ukraine by promoting good governance, accelerating economic growth, advancing anti-corruption efforts, and strengthening an inclusive civic identity. The project has the following objectives and sub-objectives (SOs):

Objective 1: Greater acceptance of a shared civic culture based on common values and understandings

SO 1.1: Increased interaction of citizens with civil society groups
SO 1.2: Increased understanding of reform and participatory governance processes
SO 1.3: Further development of Ukrainian civic identity

Objective 2: Increased participation to improve Ukraine’s governance and form processes and help resolve community problems

SO 2.1: Increased integration of separated, marginalized, or isolated populations
SO 2.2: Effective advocacy by local actors on relevant national and regional-level policies
SO 2.3: Improved local governance processes and capacities

By implementing the activities in this and subsequent work plans over the life of the
project, DG East will achieve the following results:

  • Increased interaction of citizens with civil society groups
  • Increased understanding of reform and participatory governance processes
  • Further development of Ukrainian civic identity
  • Increased integration of separated, marginalized or isolated populations
  • Effective advocacy by local actors on relevant national regional-level policies
  • Improved local governance processes and capacities

DG East will provide opportunities for citizens to engage with their government, provide government with resources to support their citizens, and create opportunities
for citizens of Ukraine to create hope in their future and positive changes in their daily lives.

VNG International within the greater scope of the project is involved in the following activities:

  • Conduct training for local governments specialists and managers on how to improve internal organizational capacity
  • Provided consultations to the local authorities in how to integrate environmental impact in their multiannual city strategy
  • Designed and conducted study visit to the Netherlands focused on the green recovery, urban ecoculture to support municipality officials from 4 cities in Eastern Ukraine with heavy industry
  • Provide Orientation on local government tools for improved transparency
  • Assist LGEs to develop procurement procedures, including formal training and development of a procurement operational guidelines
  • Conduct study visits for LGE representatives to observe local or international best practices in local government organizational systems and procedures in Ukraine and abroad
  • Develop Smart City Action Plans with the partner cities in Donbas LGEs and generate exchange with other Ukrainian cities that excel in the Smart City approach
  • Develop roadmap for internships, exchanges, city partnerships for city-to-city exchange program based on city profiles and build targeted partnerships between the EU cities (Germany, Poland, The Netherlands, Latvia) and the partner cities in the East of Ukraine on the topics not limited to, but including strategic municipal planning, youth councils development, participatory governance with use of Smart tools and increased access to the EU networks and funding
  • Design and lead the Women in (Local) Government Programme that aims at supporting female leaders in strengthening their position and advocating for equal and gender and social inclusion policies in local government structures
  • Train members of voluntary public councils on organizational management and advocacy
  • Provide mentorship and training to city council members on decision making to advocate for community reforms and develop a ToT programme to ensure sustainability
  • Provide support in participatory planning and participatory budgetting for LGEs
    *Conduct Community Scorecard Assessment of the quality of municipal service provision and support the LGEs during the implementation of Action Plans in project partner communities
  • Provide tailored Crisis and Transition Support to LGEs affected by the COVID-19 restrictions to help local administrations organise the provision of essential inputs and projects to reduce their vulnerability to crisis situations
  • Work with the local NGOs and civil society to build their capacity to incorporate gender and social inclusion in their daily work within their communities, so that it becomes second nature, rather than stand-alone initiatives, through a series of learning and networking events in the whole of Ukraine and abroad.

Contact & more information

Sanne van Amerongen