Uganda, Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance

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Country: Uganda
Other countries: Burundi,Mali,Palestine,Somalia,South Sudan,Iraq,Mozambique
Region: Africa
Duration: Start January 1, 2022 till December 31, 2026
Field of expertise: Involving Citizens in Decision Making
Policy field(s):
Institutional development
Civil society
Water Management
Public policy and planning
Various partners; this depends on the country programme.
Funding: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands
Volume: EUR 46,200,000.00
Project code: 11448.22.UG

SDLG Programme

The Strategic Partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and VNG International is 5-year programme, focused on 4 thematic priorities: Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management. This programme, called the Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance (SDLG) programme, is currently being implemented in 9 countries (Burundi, Mali, Palestina, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Iraq, and Mozambique). Despite the diverging contexts and themes, the SDLG programme pursues one overall objective: To empower local governments and their representative bodies to shape a more sustainable future for their communities.

Each thematic area has its own thematic objective:

  • Security & Rule of Law: Local governments and community groups are able to address conflict drivers in a non-violent and inclusive manner. Countries: Burundi, Mali, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda.
  • Migration: Local governments are able to shape better futures for host and displaced communities within their territories. Countries: Iraq, Uganda.
  • Local Revenue Mobilisation: Local governments in (lower) middle income countries are able to catalyse local economic development by generating revenue for public investment. Countries: Mozambique, Uganda.
  • Integrated Water Management: Local governments and their representative bodies are able to deliver on their agreements and execute policies to manage healthy, safe and social equal lives for all on lands with climate and water-related risks, is to achieve water security and water safety for people and ecosystems as well as climate mitigation and adaptation. Countries: TBD.

Country specific objectives:

  • Burundi: To empower citizens to be better informed and claim accountability to engage inclusive decision-making in the communes in Cibitoke and Makamba.
  • Mali: Local authorities are able to address drivers of conflict in a nonviolent and inclusive manner. In particular in the region of Segou, Mopti & Sonrou.
  • Palestine: Achieving legitimate stability and sustainable peace in conflict-affected states.
  • Somalia: Local authorities and youth in Garowe and Quardho jointly promote inclusive local economic development.
  • South Sudan: Improve self-reliance of communities in Eastern Equatoria to effectively prevent and resolve water-related conflict in a non-violent and inclusive manner.
  • Uganda: More sustainable development in 9 local governments in Uganda, for those in fear of conflict, those who risk being left behind, and affected host and displaced communities.
  • Iraq: To improve responsiveness by Iraqi subnational governments and local service provision departments to host and displaced communities’ needs in adaptable service solutions.
  • Mozambique: The overall objective of SDLG Mozambique is that local authorities can catalyse economic development by generating revenue for public investment. First in the city of Beira, later possibly also in other cities in Mozambique.

The beneficiaries of the programme are targeted local governments and local government associations in the 9 countries. In many country programmes, specific CSO groups are also targeted.

Management activities:

  • Management, monitoring, and reporting of the programme, incl. progress studies on capacity development of local governments and local government associations.
  • Development of an extensive Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system (MEL)
  • Support to the internal reviews and external evaluation of the programme
  • Setting up of a small investments facility for LGs and supporting LGs to apply
  • Communication and visibility services of the programme (videos, vlogs, logo, website, publications, banners etc.)
  • Organization of biannual meetings with the SDLG Advisory Board, consisting of international representatives from the academic world, think tanks, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNDP, and experts from the field
  • Participation structurally and strategically guided policy dialogues between the Ministry and VNG International representing the Dutch local government sector.

Knowledge capitalization:

  • Develop publications & reports on most prominent learning questions
  • Organisation of an exchange activity between local government associations to exchange good practices.
  • Organisation of regular learning moments with HQ and staff from the field
  • Facilitate the participation of programme participants in international networks (UCLG, DELOG) and international training courses of The Hague Academy of Local Governance
  • Actively participating in bi-yearly Policy Dialogues with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Technical assistance and knowledge transfer:

  • Coaching and training of key staff and politicians of LGs and LGAs; streamlining of processes and procedures; participatory financial, strategic and annual planning; procedures in drafting, obtaining approval and gazetting of by-laws; lobbying and advocacy; policy writing; leading participatory dialogues with communities; collecting and administration of fees and taxes; accountability and performance reporting; identifying needs and initiatives of citizens, businesses and member LGs; and understanding legislation
  • Coaching and training municipalities on the thematic themes (Security & Rule of Law, Migration, Local Revenue Mobilisation, and Integrated Water Management)
  • Train-the-trainers courses and coaching (incl. online options)
  • Advice to LGs and LGAs on intergovernmental roles and responsibilities, personal leadership and, cooperation
  • Advice to LGs and LGAs on community, member and, stakeholder consultation and participation, also in the context of post-conflict situations and peace agreements
  • Providing expertise to LGs and LGAs in developing a structure to facilitate the exchange of experiences and mutual learning, under which study and exchange visits on good practices.

Contact & more information

Anne-Marie Tosserams