Mine action cannot wait, 4th of April 2023!

May 1, 2023

The SDLG South Sudan programme has expanded to Magwi County thereby complementing the Danish Refugee Council’s (DRC) efforts to ensure an inclusive local governance component in their demining programmes. Together with the DRC, VNG International celebrated the international mine action day in Magwi County.

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Some takeaways from the collaboration and the international mine action day:

  • The farmers of the cleared land who had used some of those lands as farmland displayed their products during the event which included varieties of harvests. The farmers’ representative, in his remarks, explained that they are exhibiting to participants how they are benefiting from the cleared land. Moreover, he mentioned that they realized those products from cleared mine land and that these products are better compared to uncontaminated land products. However, more technical support on modern farming Afbeelding 2skills is required.
  • On awareness raising and communicating mine risks, the schools’ pupils and students who were attending the event showcased traditional dance as a way to communicate mine risks to the communities.
  • The Head of the County Gender, Child and Social welfare department, in her part expressed her joy for the chance to give remarks at the first-ever event organised in Magwi. She also appreciated DRC and VNGI for organizing the event with such educative activities.

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  • A similar sentiment was also stated by the Head of the Education department, that he personally learned the importance of the cleared land from the show by the farmers and looking at the pupils using traditional dance to communicate the risk of the mines. He is willing to work more with the DRC and VNGI, specifically mentioning the Ministry of foreign affairs of Nederland, to realize similar experiences in rural schools.
