Making capital work for cities: “designate your money”

December 7, 2022

EU citiesWith the aim to exchange practices on municipal financing mechanisms for climate change adaptation, the Vice-Mayor of the municipality of Rhenen, Mr. Hans Boerkamp, participated in the Smart Green Cities EU-ASEAN policy dialogue conference. The main message for sharing was that you can do a lot with what you have and know, if you designate your money well.

Considering all the regular tasks of the municipality, how can you improve the plans thinking about the need for adaptation at the same time. So extend the plans for being water secure with a strengthened dike, making the connection with financial resources designated for recreation and revive military heritage. Rethink the design and procurement for a new sports complex, taking greening and sustainability targets into account. Cooperate with water authorities to leverage funding and public data for public space redesign in neighbourhoods.

Let the starting point be a good analysis, to know where you can make an impact, plan, act, learn, and repeat the process again and again. No need to explain that climate change will have it’s impact on the municipality of Rhenen, with risks in the field of waterlogging due to rainfall, flooding and heating.

Also the European cities of Valladolid, Porto, Paris and Malmo participated in the EU-ASEAN policy dialogue. The cities of Siem Reap and Sihanoukville from Cambodia, Seremban City and Kuantan City from Malaysia, Puerto Princesa City and Samal City from The Philippines, Banyumas City and Banyuwangi City from Indonesia, on behalf of the ASEAN countries shared their stories, facilitated by the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and FMDV, with financial support of the European Union.

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