Local governance response, recovery and reconstruction following the Earthquakes in Türkiye

June 14, 2023

VNG International, with funds from Giro555, supports three municipalities in the earthquake-affected area in Türkiye: Seyhan (Adana), Kahramanmaraş, and Osmaniye. As guest member VNG International is focusing on its added value of long-term municipal reconstruction. VNG International is doing that through provision of expertise and small subsidies. The project aims to bring the three municipalities in the lead of the reconstruction.

What are the most recent developments?

During a recent visit from April 3rd to April 8th, VNG International, accompanied by Turkish colleagues and the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye, met with representatives from the three municipalities. The mayors expressed their commitment to support the project throughout its duration. Each Turkish municipality has formed a Task Force to execute the project. VNG International provides international and Turkish expertise to support the Task Forces. The Task Forces follow a participatory approach. Their members, who are municipal councilors, municipal officials, neighborhood representatives, professional organizations, civil society members, and technical experts, work together to reach consensus on the municipal priorities.

The Turkish municipalities decided to prioritize the organization of the subsidies. The Task Forces have submitted grant proposals to purchase hardware for disaster preparedness and disaster management fitting their municipal mandate. An example is better equipment for the Fire Department for search and rescue.

Next to the grants VNG International will provide expertise. The Turkish municipalities request expertise for spatial planning and scenario development for post-earthquake urban development. Scenario planners should especially maintain the cultural identity of the city. Seyhan, Kahramanmaras and Osmaniye also asked expertise on disaster preparedness and management to complement the grants. Last but not least VNG International will provide expertise on local economic development. As much as possible VGN International will look for the requested expertise among Netherlands municipalities.

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