Of course, our VNG International gospel is, and always has been, that decentralisation of power and responsibilities ensures that local politics better reflects the needs and preferences of citizens. Effective local democracy can facilitate public participation, improve service delivery, strengthen communities, and improve development outcomes.
VNG International works worldwide in countries that do not yet have this experience or just very limited. Their national governments often distrust the concept of decentralisation. They are reluctant to transfer responsibilities and funds to lower tiers of government. For different reasons. Loss of control is one of them. In Dutch we have a non-translatable saying: ‘Zoals de waard is, vertrouwt hij zijn gasten’. ‘Ill doers are ill deemers’ comes closest in English translation. Countries ruled with authoritarianism, oligarchy or corruption run the risk with localisation of power of creating similar local dark pockets without real democratic representation or accountability.
So, as VNG International expert, I’m always asking my peers and counterparts: ‘Would you lend your car to your kid when he or she does not yet have a drivers’ license?’ And, of course they wouldn’t, is the standard answer.
Therefore, transferring power and responsibilities to local governments comes with a huge responsibility! The focus of our work is to guide this principle and find the right balance towards – as Peter always says – good local governance.
Gerrit Jan Schep
Associate expert VNG International
As part of the publication ’Columns on peace and local democracy in international perspective’, composed in honor of the farewell of Peter Knip as director of VNG International.