International tender PIMDUOT Costa Rica

February 2, 2022

Fifteen municipalities in the metropolitan area of San José work on the integral development of the Electric Train which is part of the Great Metropolitan Area in Costa Rica. This is supported by an EU funded project for partnerships for sustainable cities (mUEve), where VNG International is a partner, together with the Spanish municipality of Fomento de San Sebastian and National Association of Local Government in Costa Rica. More particularly, the objective of the mUEve project is to develop a Sub-Regional Plan of urban development focussed on transport, and fifteen project plans within the zone of influence of the Electric Train, whilst involving in the design and the process, the multiple levels of government, community actors, private and financial actors.

The call for tenders for the Intermunicipal Transport Oriented Urban Development Plan (PIMDUOT) has been published on the 31st of January 2022, the final terms of the tender can be found on the UNGL website, via this link

Furthermore, it can be found on the SICOP website

The procedure number is: 2022LI-000001-0032100001

The identification of the institution is 3007084001 (National Union of Local Governments).

Bids can be submitted from the 1st of February 2022 onwards.
