Impact on conflict prevention

September 25, 2018

Two years after the project ‘From Fragile to Stable: Peacebuilding in Guatemala’, we received the good news that the municipality of Santo Domingo Xenacoj today publically and proudly presents its own Municipal Conflict Prevention Policy.

The policy is a joint effort of the community conflict prevention committee, the Mayor and the municipal council.
Our project supported the municipality and community conflict mediators in the field of conflict prevention from 2012-2016, amongst others with:

  • Training and advice to COCODES (community development councils) in the field of conflict prevention, citizen security, citizen participation and proposal formulation for municipal development and monitoring of public policies
  • Support to the municipal authorities in the creation and institutional strengthening of COMUPRES (municipal security councils) and to civil society organisations on their rights and responsibilities within the system of COMPUPRES
  • Support to the municipal authorities in the creation and institutional strengthening of COMUDES (municipal citizen participation networks), and to civil society organisations on their rights and responsibilities within the system of COMUDES
  • Support to the municipal authorities in the alignment of their annual action plans to the new National Politics on the Prevention of Violence and Delict
  • Support to the municipal authorities in capacity strengthening in the field of municipal finance, citizen participation, land management, and public rules and regulations
  • Coordination with the Organismo Judicial and its department on alternative conflict resolution for the implementation of the National System for Conciliators (facilitadores judiciales)
  • Coordination with the Third Vice-Ministry of Governance (prevention) and it’s unit on the prevention of community based violence (UPCV)