Impact of the Uganda programme

November 7, 2022

With the expected Uganda programme impact being “more sustainable development for those in fear of conflict, those who risk to be left behind and affected host and displaced communities” and an expected objective of “locally driven inclusive and accountable governance in 8 local governments in Uganda”, the programme contributes to 3 out of the 4 of the thematic fields of the overall partnership:

  1. Security and rule of law: in Uganda the expected outcome is improved leadership engagements and collaborations to bring together conflicting perspectives into suitable local government service solutions.
  2. Migration: in Uganda the expected outcome is improved responsiveness of local governments and stakeholders in providing adaptable solutions to the needs of refugees and host communities.
  3. Economic development and taxation: in Uganda the expected outcome is improved own source revenue in support of local economic development (incl. youth employment) and social protection.

To find out more about what we do on municipal level: hereby three factsheets which demonstrate each theme within SDLG Uganda.

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