How do Ugandan and Dutch local governments tackle the COVID-19 crisis?

October 26, 2020

Exchange COVIDIf anything, 2020 has taught us about the flexibility and adaptivity of our partner local governments, both in Uganda and in the Netherlands. While COVID-19 has naturally led to a delay in programme implementation, it has also allowed us to improve our online communication and platforms to facilitate dialogue between our Ugandan and Dutch local government partners.

In July, VNG International and the Dutch Municipality of Valkenswaard organized a Learning Exchange between Dutch and Ugandan local governments active in our IDEAL programme on the different (but often similar) responses and management of the Covid-19 pandemic in the two countries. The exchange that was virtually organised through Microsoft Teams attracted Focal Persons from seven Uganda Local Governments, two representatives of the Ugandan Local Government Associations and participants from three Dutch Municipalities. A number of Programme staff from VNG International Head Office also participated.

The focus of the learning exchange was to share information and experiences on the progression of the situation of Covid-19 pandemic in the Netherlands with Ugandan Local Governments. After a detailed presentation of the Covid-19 situation before the crisis, during the crisis, the current situation and the future prospects by the Project Manager from Valkenswaard, Ms. Karin Adams, the participants were able to discuss a number of issues arising from the presentation.

Curious? Watch the video here.

IDEAL is a 5-year programme implemented by VNG International in seven countries facing fragility or conflict: Burundi, Mali, the Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Somaliland, South Sudan and Uganda. IDEAL is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
