Local Government Units (LGUs) are key stakeholders in the Manila Bay Sustainable Development Master Plan (MBSDMP), for decision-making on and implementation of inclusive public infrastructure development, urban planning, procurement, revenue generation, public service delivery, etc.
Therefore, it is crucial to have as many Manila Bay LGUs as possible actively involved in the Master Planning process led by the National Economic Development Agency (NEDA) and implemented by Deltares and the Philippian consulting consortium. VNG International, together with The League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP) play a brokering and capacity development role strengthening LGUs to voice the needs and interests of their citizens stronger by organizing themselves in associations. VNG senior board advisor Maarten Beks attended both the League of Cities of the Philippines Board meeting and 4th International River Summit in Cebu, the Philippines, 18-24 November 2018, to involve cities in the Master Planning for Manila Bay. Deltares presented the current plans during the LCP Board Meeting. Dialogues took place with city Mayors from the provinces of Bulacan, Pampanga (Angeles City), Batangas, and Laguna (City of Santa Rosa). At technical level interactions took place with key professional associations such as the Philippine League of Environment and Natural Resources Officers the Association of City Planning and Development Officers. The networking and meetings position LGUs to bring forward the challenges and opportunities they see and experience and find partners for inclusive development.