Completion of Field-Level Leadership in Beira (Mozambique)

September 21, 2023

On the 31st of May we finished the Field-Level Leadership (FLL) programme in Beira in collaboration with the World Bank and funded by RVO. FLL is a multi-agent leadership development approach, aimed at creating a broad cadre of change champions at all levels in the public service delivery agencies. In pilots implemented and evaluated by the World Bank, this approach has demonstrated positive changes in the attitude and behaviour of public agency officials, and significantly improved organizational performance. The specific objective: To introduce a human motivation-based approach in Beira through the FLL program, as an effective complement to infrastructure investments, for enhancing organizational performance and sustainability. If a safe space is created for open dialogue, for the staff across all ranks of the organization; the optimistic and entrepreneurial individuals are encouraged to emerge and self-organize themselves into informal groups; and these informal groups of change leaders are encouraged to take on self-assigned results targets, then improvements will take place in line with the organization’s targets. This project focused on the Beira Autonomous Sanitation Unit (SASB) as an organisation and started on 1 July 2021 and finished on 31st May 2023.

Background information about the FLL training can be found here.

Video created with the help of Paolo Ghisu, please see here for more details:
