As some of you might know, last years’ annual meeting of the Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) Working Group of United Cities and Local Governments saw a discussion on monitoring and evaluation of programmes of CIB members. In that discussion, the idea arose to organize a peer evaluation for one or more of our programmes, in view of the mixed experiences with external evaluations. The Flemish Association of Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) has made it possible to include 2 or 3 peer evaluators from the CIB network, in the mid-term evaluation of two of the country programmes of their subsidy programme (subsidized by DGD, which is the federal government of Belgium).
We are still looking for 1 Francophone peer evaluator, working at a local government association or local government in the Global South to participate in this peer review. CIB can offer sponsorship for the flight and costs in Benin. The evaluation mission takes place in December 2019.
Read more about the programme, the peer evaluation process, the required skills and experience and the selection process here and don’t forget to apply before the 27th of August.