On the 11th and 12th of October 2018, the Annual Forum on land management on a local level was organised by the Association Nationale des Communes du Bénin (ANCB – National association of municipalities in Benin), in cooperation with the Association Nationale du Domaine et du Foncier (ANDF – National association of land affairs).
We were present, representing our project called “Projet d’appui à la gestion Foncière au niveau Local” (PFL) The forum enabled stakeholders within land management on the local (municipal) level to look back on the first five years of implementing the new land code (Code Foncier et Domanial, adopted in 2013, having a delayed entry into force in 2023).
The invitees included (representatives of) the ANCB, the ANDF, the Ministry of Economy and Finances, the Ministry of Decentralisation and Local Governance, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery, technical partners (mayors of pilot zones of different land management projects, GIZ, VNG International) and financial partners (the Embassy of the Netherlands in Benin). The Forum was opened by the president of the ANCB. People expressed their satisfaction with the progress of the land management projects in supporting the implementation of the new land code so far, discussed the current challenges as well as lessons learned and identified the priorities for the upcoming period.
For me personally, the annual forum was a great opportunity to learn more about the context of land management in Benin, and to have a better idea of what the current state of play is. However our project PFL will, unfortunately, be coming to an end at the end of 2018, I could feel the shared support for and interest in continuing the efforts to make the land management system on the local level work for all of the Beninese people.
Please find a short coverage of the two days, including an interview with our Team Leader and National Coordinator, Mr. Egy Sossou here (from 07:28 to 15:00, in French).
For more information about the project, please find our project page here, or follow the project’s Facebook page.
Lotte Nienhuis, Project Manager VNG International