A sharp eye on the future, keeping all possibilities open!

September 27, 2018

Jordan, September 16th VNG International, together with the municipality of Amsterdam and the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in Jordan (MOPIC) launches the Manual for Jordan’s Future Planning Scenario!

The intention of the scenario planning trajectory within the Local Governments Resilience Programme (LOGOReP) is to improve the situation in the Jordanian governorate of Mafraq, where the project is piloted. In this governorate, and in the entire country, the lack of stability, the Syrian refugee crisis, the rise of the energy costs and the decline in export to neighbouring countries resulted in a rise in poverty and unemployment, as well as a significant strain on existing infrastructure.People sitting at a table, listening to a presentation

Scenario planning as a decision-making tool
What if refugees return home within a foreseeable time? What do we do with the camps and infrastructure built? What if a new wave of refugees flees into Jordan? What do we do in terms of water scarcity and employment? What if…What if…
Scenario Planning includes plans for different scenarios and enable decision makers to make strategic choices in all possible sectors: agriculture, employment, infrastructure, education, health and the industrial sector. Scenario Planning in Jordan is entirely new and was sourced from the knowledge which VNG International and the municipality of Amsterdam provided who also learned a lot during this adventure!
Tonight, all stakeholders were reunited and highlighted the added value of the participatory approach and the methodology in the Jordanian context that poses many challenges.

All in all it was a successful and educational night which provided good prospects!LOGOREP meeting
