PartiCiP au DEL activities from April to June 2023 – Newsletter #2

October 13, 2023

Cliquez ici pour l’article en français.

Within the PartiCiP au DEL programme, aiming to achieve transparent and inclusive governance in 5 pilot municipalities in Benin, VNG International, in charge of the LED component, has set up various activities from April to June 2023. These activities strive to ensure an inclusive dialogue between municipal authorities and citizens, in view to valorise the economic potential of each of the pilot communes. VNG International is thus providing its expertise and technical support to the Local Economic Development Stakeholders Consultation Forums (CCADEL), which aims to gather suggestions and recommendations from all stakeholders involved in municipal economic valorisation, with an emphasis on capacity building for women in food processing and equipping market-garden cooperatives. The project takes into account the representation of disadvantaged population groups within these consultation sessions through Citizen Participation Units (CPCs), which are committed as partners of the municipal authorities in the development of public policies linked to LED, such as the implementation of the participatory budget approach and the new drinking water supply project in the north of Benin, financed by the Netherlands. As part of the project, VNG International is also facilitating the creation of an advisory and training mechanism for Professional Agricultural Organisations (OPAs), in order to facilitate their access to financial credit. Finally, a benchmarking process has been launched to highlight the experiences and good practices of the 5 pilot communes and to eventually share them with all the communes in Benin.

This newsletter is available here (in French).

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