Eight warning beacons rehabilitated to strengthen community flood monitoring in Benin's Lower Ouémé Valley

October 22, 2024

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As part of the implementation of the SDLG Water Benin project, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, significant progress was made in September 2024 with the rehabilitation of eight warning beacons. These coloured beacons, located in the project’s villages, play a crucial role in flood risk prevention.

The beacons indicate the water level according to a colour code and therefore define the level of danger. They are coupled with information panels on how to behave. To ensure that information is disseminated quickly and to alert the public more widely, an Android mobile application accessible to communities can be used to send information available in real time to technical services and authorities at local and national level, and to exchange information in real time on water levels and damage. This easy-to-use application is particularly suited to illiterate populations, and is based essentially on images, audio and video.

The official handover of these beacons took place on 11 and 12 September 2024, in the presence of project representatives, local authorities and communities. This event marks an important stage in the strengthening of the Community Early Warning System (SAP-C), which is essential to the safety and resilience of the people of the Lower Ouémé Valley (BVO).

Thanks to these actions, the inhabitants of the villages concerned are now better equipped to deal with climatic risks, thereby strengthening integrated water resource management and sustainable development at local level.

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