The Zimbabwean Government allocated this year $19,5 billion for devolution as it moves with pace to implement the strategy aimed at developing the country using local knowledge of needs and getting local communities to take responsibility for their development.

“Devolution of functions and resources brings Government closer to the people. It strengthens local governance and deepens democracy by enhancing citizen participation in their governance and development.” - Mr. Mutasa, ZILGA (The Herald, April 2021)

Zimbabwe Local Government Association (ZILGA) president Alderman David Mutasa said this at the ZILGA Devolution Conference while presenting a devolution discussion document titled “An articulation of the voice of organised local authorities on devolution in Zimbabwe”. ZILGA represents all the 92 local authorities in the country.

“Local authorities, as the third tier of Government, envisages an inclusive development agenda that leaves no place or anyone behind,” Mr. Mutasa said. To obtain this, collaboration, elimination of competition and duplication of functions across tiers of Government is needed. Moreover, devolution has the ability to increase efficiency and effectiveness of operations of local governance institutions by minimising bureaucracy owing to ensuring levels of decision making are closer to people, thus fostering national development.

The LACEP2 project by VNG International and MDP supports the Local Authorities and the Associations of Local Authorities in the promoting and implementation of devolution in Zimbabwe.